Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June's Pay-It-Forward

To read my first post on the Pay-It-Forward idea to support bloggers who provide content online read here. This month I'm supporting Daniela of danielasneedleart.

This is the cute pattern that I bought:

Pinned Image

I think her free patterns are even cuter than her paid ones, such as this:

Her blog has lots of free patterns, and ideas. She also promotes other yarn designers. You can find her on Ravelry as well.


  1. All I needed right now was you to come along and bring more temptation my way!!! :-)

    As always Di and I appreciate so much you joining in by supporting online content providers. But i also appreciate meeting a new designer of patterns.

    Aren't you just amazed by people who can do this?

    Hope you are enjoying your Italian treat.

  2. Just so you know! I just ordered two of the cutest little tree patterns on the planet!!! Thank you again for introducing me to Daniela!

  3. I am! Yes, and I love to support these bloggers. Actually, I like some of her free patterns more than the for purchase ones, but I did buy. :)
