Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 Hours for Haiti

I will be vending at this event on Saturday in Lauderhill.Come out and support the relief efforts! Copy and paste the address below into your browser for address:


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

chocolate and coffee giveaway!

Love is in the air........... which means a good excuse for coffee and chocolate! Fair trade and organic, of course.......... you wouldn't have any other kind.......... would you?

Mambo Sprouts is hosting a giveaway of fair trade organic chocolate and coffee to somone lucky on their blog. Go to http://www.mambosprouts.com/mambo-articles/food-nutrition/is-love-fair-it-is-with-organic-fair-trade-chocolate/    for the details on how to enter. No wait........ maybe I shouldn't tell you cause I WANT TO WIN!